Social development in Colombia
This work combines identifying the main environmental problems with the development of markets for native agricultural products, locally made handicrafts, and sustainable ecotourism.
Since 2016, NPC Colombia has been working with the critically endangered Colombian black spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps rufiventris) as a “flagship species” for the conservation of the Colombian biogeographic Chocó, an area that is part of the Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena biodiversity hotspot, with the aim of creating community-managed reserves and sustainable economic alternatives for local human populations to help protect the main areas of the natural biological corridors connecting existing protected areas. This will ensure the long-term protection of the habitat of A. fusciceps rufiventris and other primate species.
Take a look at our work in land portection, if you want to visit the reserves contact us !
The Colombian black spider monkey is classified by the IUCN as “vulnerable”, however, it has been on the list of the 25 most endangered primates in the world and very little is known about its current conservation status in Colombia.
In 2016 NPC Colombia, with the help of the Ministry of Environment, organised a workshop convening different governmental and non-governmental organisations to participate in the elaboration of the national action plan for A. f. rufiventris. The workshop was attended by many organisations and individuals with an interest in the potential range of A. f. rufiventris in Colombia, one of the objectives of the workshop was to create a network of contacts between interested individuals, local communities, and institutions supporting conservation initiatives. Threats were also defined and for each threat: prioritized activities to mitigate these dangers were suggested and actors involved for each geographical area were identified for implementation, as well as a period for complition.