Our Peru team has been busy carrying out biological and socio-economic inventories of the forests and villages of Sauce and Delta in the Amazonas region. These studies will form the basis for the declaration of two future reserves which will protect the unique habitat of Peru’s Maranon River valley dry forests.

These studies also included the mapping of the limits of both areas. Mapping was done on-the-ground, accompanied by local residents to ensure that there are no future conflicts over land rights. We are now preparing the necessary documentation for the proposals, which will soon be handed in to the Amazonas Regional Environmental Authority for review. While our team of specialists was carrying out these studies, we also took advantage of the opportunity to conduct biological monitoring work at two reserves we helped create over 10 years ago, the Shitariyacu and Tres Quebradas Conservation Concessions, and to help a new community ally with monitoring in the Valle del Biavo Conservation Concession.