NPC Annual Report for 2023 now published!
Celebrating all the work undertaken by the NPC entities in South America and the UK throughout 2023, the report can be found below:
NPC had a great year in 2023, reaching more species, communities and reserves than ever before. We also continued with our support of our ongoing projects and increased our support of many other community-based conservation areas.

In Peru, we continued running environmental education, public awareness, wildlife rescue and anti-trafficking campaigns.
In Colombia, we have been developing new field sites for long-term conservation monitoring with local support, involving local schools, colleges and conservation festivals.
In Argentina, we focused on conservation planning for the brown howler monkey, education against the illegal wildlife trade, and on increasing legal protection for the country’s most threatened primates.
We continue to be leaders in conservation research on primates, wildlife and habitats in South America and globally, which has been reflected in the diversity of field studies we are carrying out, our scientific publications, and the globally important studies to which we have supplied data.
As always, we are grateful for the support we have received over the last 12 months – support without which none of this would have been possible!